
King Roy Studios is a Post Production agency, completing cuts, edits, colour grading, special effects and many other techniques to make video footage look like it should be on the big screen.

RAW Footage

We take the raw footage and cut, snip and edit it together in accordance with your brief, to produce a raw edit. The team work frame by frame to ensure cuts between scenes are smooth and transision well with the direction and flow of the footage.

Then the magic

Colour grading is one of those back arts where you can make day become night, dark footage become light. We also work on special effects such as explosions etc and add any tracking or more voodoo techniques to make it look more like cinema

Music and Sound

No composition would be complete without sound. Whether its voice and sfx, or music or just the sound of nature, we look to make sure the sound, music and sfx are right with the abience of the film.


“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”